Lily has been running a negative campaign. She is the only candidate to attack others on the stump, run a negative ad, or drop negative mailers. Her attacks are also misleading and deceptive.
In the past 10 years, Lily has run for office four times, for three different positions, in two different states, and two different political parties.
In Colorado she was an active member of the Libertarian Party:
In 2014, she was a Libertarian candidate for state representative in Colorado House District 44, receiving just 6.4% of the vote.
In 2015, she was Chair of the Libertarian Party of Colorado.
She was a delegate from Colorado to the Libertarian National Convention in 2016.
She worked for Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson over President Donald Trump in 2016.
In 2016, she was the Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate in Colorado, receiving just 3.6% of the vote.
When she was the Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate in Colorado, she had extreme libertarian positions:
She praised an “open immigration system” and supported amnesty, calling for a “pathway to citizenship” for illegal immigrants.
She called for the elimination of the Veterans Administration (VA) and for cutting military spending.
She called for rolling back Social Security and Medicare and eliminating it as a retirement program.
She called for the legalization of ALL drugs.
Lily is a Free-Stater. After a decade of Libertarian activism and two losing campaigns, Lily joined the Free State Movement and moved to NH in 2019.
On WMUR’s Close-Up, she was called out for having named to her campaign leadership team a state representative who is a member of a secessionist group and who sponsored legislation to have NH secede from the United States.
Lily is trying to recast herself as MAGA but she opposed Trump:
By her own admission, Lily didn’t endorse President Trump until after Nikki Haley dropped out and the primary was over.
In 2016, Lily supported Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson in the General Election AGAINST Donald Trump when he was trying to beat Hillary Clinton. She campaigned with Johnson and spoke at his campaign rallies.