30 Aug Vikram Announces “Veterans for Vikram” Coalition
Today Vikram announced his “Veterans for Vikram” coalition of veterans backing his congressional campaign in NH’s Second District.
The coalition is chaired by Air Force veteran Hillary Seeger and State Representative Mike Moffett, Lt. Col. (retired) U.S. Marines. Moffett is also the chair of the Veterans Committee in the NH House.
“While I’m confident that Vikram will be the steady advocate that veterans need in Washington, I also sense that Vikram sincerely wants to honor and remember veterans’ personal journeys and the national history they shaped,” said Moffett. “That is so important to veterans and their families today.”
Seeger added, “I’d become so jaded by party politics. It began to feel like each side had to walk in lockstep with their captors and nothing every got done. I read a book called The Making of a Generalist by Vikram Mansharamani. This book inspired me so much that I decided to run for Congress to get something done for the people of New Hampshire. A friend of mine apologized and said that he wouldn’t be supporting me because he was going to support Vikram! The same Vikram who wrote the book! It made more sense to support the person who inspired me so that’s what I’m doing. In the military, we were all motivated to be there for different personal reasons. We were from different backgrounds, we had different personal goals and yet, we managed to work together to function as a team. Congress is not doing that. They are two separate warring factions on a battlefield and we the people are that battlefield. I believe that Vikram will go to Washington not to advance his own personal standing, but to address our needs and our legitimate concerns as taxpayers. He’s got my vote and, my fellow veterans and fellow citizens, I hope that he has yours.”
Mansharamani said that he was honored to have the support of veterans, saying, “It is humbling to have the backing of these veterans and I will make sure that veterans get the care and support they need. Those who have given our country the most should be our priority, not an afterthought. I will always prioritize the needs of our veterans, period.”